戒指系列 Ring Series
戒指系列 Ring Series
Low stock: 2 left
/ Material 材质 / 925 Silver
/ Size 尺码 / 50-60mm(self-adjustable 可调节)
R1 - R4 金运石(Hypersthene)
内核稳定自洽、踏实、执行力、清醒冷静、保平安 / Feeling grounded, safe, calm, self-assured, energetic, protection
R5 - R6 磷灰石(Apatite)
沟通表达、缓解压力 / Communication and relieve stress
R7 - R9 海纹石(Larimar)
逻辑清晰、 提倡自省、走出自责和愧疚、帮助沟通 / Critical thinking skill, clarity, release guilt and self-blame, communication skill
R10 闪灵钻 (Herkimer)
提升灵性悟性、消除杂念、减少世俗感、找回自己 / Spiritual awareness, eliminate distractions, clarity, rediscover yourself
R11 - R14 坦桑石(Tanzanite)
清醒通透、获得启发走出迷茫、直觉力、洞察力 / Intuition, wisdom, and clarity to discover more possibilities,
R15 金葡萄石(Gold Prehnite)
放下批判、自我和解、正能量、心灵平静 / let go of judgement, anger and other negative emotion, promote self-reconciliation and regain inner peace
R16 黑金超(Black Gold Rutilated Quartz)
生命力、自信、辟邪化煞、自我认可 / Feeling grounded, self-acceptance, protection, confidence
R17 金发晶(Rutilated Quartz)
执行力、生命力、自信活力、意志力、勇气 / self-confidence, energetic, powerful, courageous, determined, reduce procrastination
R18 - R21 蓝月光(Blue Moonstone)
放慢脚步、柔和性情、不争不抢 / slow down, patience, calm and peace
R22 - R26 拉长石(Labradorite)
增强体力耐力、自信、踏出舒适圈、创意、直觉力、洞察力 / Protection, perseverance, transformation, intuition, wisdom, clarity, creativity
R27 - R29 蓝晶石(Kyanite)
沟通表达、创意、洞察力、缓解压力、清醒通透 / Communication, clarity, creativity, wisdom, release stress
R30 海蓝宝(Aquamarine)
沟通表达、缓解压力 / Communication, release stress
R31 橄榄石(Peridot)
正面、努力上进、活泼、踏出舒适圈 / Energetic, vitality, cheerful, motivated, stepping out of comfort zone
R32 - R33 紫钛晶(Amethyst Rutilated Quartz)
开拓思维格局、执行力、魄力 / wisdom, creativity, clarity, energetic, powerful, courageous, determined, reduce procrastination,
R34 - R35 黑银钛
内核稳定自洽、坚定、踏实、辟邪保平安 / Feeling grounded, safe, calm, self-assured, energetic, protection
R36 - R41 绿幽灵(Green Phantom)
正面、努力上进、活泼、踏出舒适圈 / Energetic, vitality, cheerful, motivated, stepping out of comfort zone
R42 - R51 碧玺(Tourmaline)
心平气和:心态对,事事顺,旺自己,旺别人;也寓意健康平安 / Peace, balanced, calm, patience, love, health, protection
R52 - R56 超级七(Super Seven)
结合七种晶石的能量;提升能量、执行力和魄力去争取和显化心中所想 / A blend of seven different minerals that enhance confidence, efficiency,determination and clarity in order to achieve a goal.
- 黑色礼盒包装,适合送礼。
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- 每张订单赠送30g消磁石,若需更多请另行购买。
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